

The Public Administration Undergraduate Program has two main differentials:


Strong connection with professional practice

During the program, students perform a series of activities which purpose is to bring them closer to their professional reality. Some of these activities are: field work in institutions, organizational diagnoses and applied research in innovative experiences in public management. In addition, students undergo three mandatory immersions:


-        Federal Immersion (3rd semester): One week long, the goal of this class is to bring 3rd semester students closer to the day-to-day of teams that coordinate some of the main public policies in the country. In past editions, the projects visited were: Bolsa Verde (Green Stock Market / Ministry of Environment), Brasil sem Miséria (Brazil without Poverty / Ministry of Social Development), Crack é possível vencer! (Crack, it’s possible to win! / Staff Cabinet), Cultura Viva (Living Culture / Ministry of Culture), Mais Gestão (More Management / Ministry of Agriculture Development), Mulher Viver sem Violência (Women, Living without violence / Policies for Women Secretariat), PAC-Saneamento (Accelerated Growth Program – Sanitation / Ministry of Cities), Plano Juventude Viva (Living Youth Plan / Racial Equality Promotion Policies Secretariat), Programa Brasil Quilombola (Quilombo Brazil Program / Racial Equality Promotion Policies Secretariat), Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento (Accelerated Growth Program / Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management), Programa Nacional de Documentação da Trabalhadora Rural (National Rural Female Workers’ Regularization Program / Ministry of Agriculture Development), and the Continuing Education, Literacy, Diversity and Inclusion Secretariat-Ministry of Education, among others.


-        Local Immersion (5th semester): 10 days long, the goal is to bring students closer to the challenges faced by states and cities to implement policies in education, health, culture, local development, environment, public management, defense of minorities’ rights and public safety. In previous editions, students visited Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Mato Grosso do Sul, Pará, Paraná, Pernambuco, and Rio Grande do Sul, among other States.


-        South-South Connection (7th semester): 30 days long, the goal is to take students to meet the socio-economic reality of Latin American countries and learn about public policies that governments formulate to face their main national challenges. In the first edition, held in July of 2015, students visited projects in Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Peru to learn about public policies in education, public safety, urban mobility, minority rights, tourism, environment and local development.


International Dimension

In addition to the previously explained South-South Connection, more than 40% of our students – starting in the 5th semester – take part in an exchange program outside Brazil. Among the more than 100 partner universities of EAESP, the destinations preferred by Public Administration Program students were: Germany, Austria, Canada, Colombia, South Korea, Denmark, Scotland, Spain, United States, France, Netherlands, Hungary, England, Italy and Norway. As well as for personal development and being able to broaden their network, getting to know this new geopolitical reality is key for the education of our students.